Week #13

Week #13: 

Hot Topic Presentations 

and Shadow Study Final Prep

Part One: Hot Topic Presentations 

The Assignment: Working with a colleague (or 2) in class, you were to become our class expert on the issue you chose. You created a 20 minute digital, interactive presentation for the class about the topic.  Your task was to make all of us want to think about your topic and figure out what it means for us as professional educators.  Here are the links to all our our presentations.

In class, we'll have two rounds of one-to-one presentations: half the class will present, and the other half will circulate the room and experience highlights of other Design Studio projects. Then we'll switch, and presenters will take on the role of audience members, and the former audience members will present.

Afterward, we'll celebrate our successes and offer ideas about how we might apply these to our future teaching experiences.

Here are your URLs in a Google Doc, so it will be easy for all of us to find and share our projects.

Part Two: Shadow Study Prep

In this next part of class, we'll each work individually to prepare for next week's final class, which is the opportunity for each of us to present our Shadow Studies through a PechaKucha format.

First, the introduction--- please begin your Shadow Study papers with an introduction that allows your reader to be with you as you experience a day in the life of a middle school student. Let's look at a sample student paper that exemplifies this approach.

Second, let's review the Paper Rubric. Always review and cross-check your projects-in-progress to the Rubric. Sometimes we think we know what the expectations are but then realize we've headed off in a different direction. That is, until we check the Rubric for the Shadow Study Paper.

Third, let's turn to the PechaKucha Shadow Study presentation. A PechaKucha is 20 slides, one every 20 seconds. That means you'll tell us about the highlights of your Shadow Study in just under seven (7) minutes. Let's look at the Rubric for the PechaKucha Presentation.

Fourth, let's set up a slideshow for the PechaKucha (if you haven't done so already). And we'll load the URLs on the Shadow Study Presentation page of this blog, so that we'll be ready to go on our last day of class. (Spoiler Alert: Let's have breakfast that day.  😄)

Fifth, let's create a bulleted list of the Top 20 Highlights of your Shadow Study. Make a copy of this doc, fill it in, and then reorganize it in a hierarchy: chronological, sequential, or order of importance. (Hint: Order of Importance is the most nuanced and respected, although it's also the most difficult.)

Course Evals

Please complete the evaluations and return them to the envelope. Seal the envelope.

What's Due Next Week?

Shadow Study: Paper and PechaKucha


  1. Kaitlin & Nicole: https://kacianci.wixsite.com/jkmmovement

  2. Laura, Kelli, and Donald

  3. Sarah and Eva

  4. Maria and Michelle

  5. https://sites.google.com/view/studentanxiety310/home

  6. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vSvCtj9GJvBuGpP0g0-9tShP50w4p2AWdInrdbVn4ZjA8YKZktNsYE-aCe4AyuMYEp0cHI5g4JjR0fW/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=20000&slide=id.g2a126be74c_0_291


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