Music Videos as Adolescent Identity Markers

Post your favorite song from middle school on our class blog via YouTube and write a 2 sentence caption of the meaning you associate with this song. Be ready to share.

As students in your assigned group share, offer a Reply--- Congratulate each student who shares in your group about making connections to favorite songs from middle school as Adolescent Identity Markers.



    I chose the song "Where Is The Love?" by The Black Eyed Peas as a song that reminds me of middle school. In the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, the Black Eyed Peas created this emotional song that, in my opinion, captures the emotions and fears of the world that we live in in regards to discrimination, hate, and the overall feel of the mood of our country at the time. I think that this song is also relatable to current events and the things that adolescents are aware about that are happening in the country and to the diverse cultures throughout.

    1. This song absolutely encapsulates that time period. I was a middle school student when this song came out and I know me and my friends related to this song so much in a period of strife and uncertainty.

    2. I agree that this song is still very relatable! I feel we are almost in the same exact political climate as then, and that this song will become extremely popular again.


    I chose the song "7 Things" by Miley Cyrus as my song that reminds me of middle school. This song I think captures some of the confusion that middle schoolers are going through during their pre-teen years. New feelings and social constructs are becoming evident and suddenly there are new rules to play by. Middle schoolers are also overwhelmed with hormones and emotions that they are learning to read and control, which I think is reflected in the last verse being the 7 things she loves about the person. The overall tone of the song brings back memories of middle school dances and experiences.

    1. The teenage angst is real. Love this jam!

    2. This song is so catchy, you can completely understand why it would be popular with middle schoolers! It's easy especially for young people to attach music to their daily lives.


    I chose the song "Mine" by Taylor Swift, because it reminded me of Middle School love songs which seemed innocent at the time, yet had a deeper meaning. The video displays a possible abuse cycle that occurs during the main character's childhood and could potentially carry into her adult life. As an impressionable young adolescent, understanding the content of this video, and recognizing the differences of acceptable relationships can be extremely difficult to distinguish at such a young age.

    1. I really like how you touched on the topic of hidden messages in music videos that we don't necessarily understand when we are watching them as adolescents.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. As far as I remember the nuances of romance were all missed on us in middle school so I must agree the song would be taken differently then.


    When I think of Middle School, I think of the song "I'm Only Me When I'm With You" by Taylor Swift. This song shows the importance of finding a friend that will allow you to be yourself without changing anything about who you are. Early adolescence is a time where many young teens feel the need to change who they are in order to fit in. However this song reminds you that if you find a friend that will allow you to be yourself, it can make Middle School, and the rest of life much happier and easier. This song portrays a good message to young students because it reinforces the idea that you do not need to change who you are just to fit in, and that finding a friend (or a group of friends) who will stand by you through anything is very important.

    1. Very relatable song. Friends groups are such a big part of middle school so this song describes what middle school students go through very well. Great song

    2. This is a great message! middle school is such a tough time (even after that), that finding someone who gets you and doesn't ask you to change is great!


    I went back in time and chose the song "Voices Carry" by 'Til Tuesday because yes, this was a hit when I was in middle school. This song was describing how others try to stifle your voice and convince you to conform to the kind of person that they think you should be, to be quite, and fit in with the mainstream. I was reminded of how uncomfortable it was to be told to dress and act a certain way, and do what others told you to do. Middle school is all about finding your own voice,identity, and becoming a unique individual. These middle years are about pushing the boundaries and discovering who you want to be.

    1. I love the song! I like how you talked about middle school is when you start to learn to not conform to what others want you to be and to be your own self.

    2. This song is extremely relevant, even today, the middle schoolers are constantly trying to fit in and being told how to dress. The feeling of trying to fit in puts so much pressure on young adolescents and they often follow the trends and aren't able to speak out. Great choice and it was nice to hear a song from the 80s :-)


    This is a difficult assignment for me, as music is such a huge part of my life. Music has helped me get through each "awkward" stage of my youth. Going from boy bands(BSB!) and pop music to r&b and rock, music has been there influencing my life as well as saying the things I wish I could say. Although, I will admit that it was tough not to pick one of the many songs by Nelly, I choose this song because I saw myself as an 'independent girl.' I never liked to be the one to follow what everyone else was doing and I also saw myself as a leader in middle school. I was involved in just about every sport and club the school could offer. I, of course, had self conscious set backs, but what middle school girl didn't? But that's why I thought of this song!

    1. Great song choice. It totally relates to how you described yourself during middle school.

    2. This song represents what a lot of people go through in middle school. They face the decision to change who they are to fit in with the crowd, or stay true to them self, and be "independent", which is what this song encourages. Great job!


    When thinking about middle school, I remember having a new favorite song every week. I used to use music as an escape or a way to express myself when I didn't have the words to. The song I chose for this is Bubbly by Colbie Caillat because I remember this as a happy song that I listened to. As an early adolescent, this was the first time I was experiencing new relationships and getting that butterfly feeling when talking to someone I liked. During this time, I had a few "puppy love" relationships and I look back at happy memories they brought me and the lessons I learned from these faulty relationships.

    1. Excellent sharing, I am glad it brings you to a happy place.

    2. I like that you reflect on the idea of forming crushes at the time rather than just the stress of school.


    This song is about a person who feels depressed and like they are not good enough. As a middle schooler in 2004, I had experienced a friend who committed suicide and this song resonated with me as I navigated that loss coupled with my own insecurities as a twelve year old.

    1. I think that this speaks to many middle schoolers and their feelings. They often search for outside sources to affirm their new feelings and to help them sort through difficult times like this one because it has suddenly become difficult to connect with adults.

    2. I can see the extreme emotional connection you have with this song. I like how you related it to a lot of people you went to school with being able to connect to this song. It's sad, but I plan on listening to it next time I need a good cry.


    When I think back to middle school, I remember there being lots of change. For me personally, I moved to completely new school. When I think of a song from this time, The Climb by Miley Cyrus comes to mind. This song talks about how life is a climb and you will keep facing new mountains but you just have put your head down and keep going. I feel like this is a great explanation of middle school.

    1. Very relatable experience! A lot of students will go through this same situation of going to a new school where everyone has been together since grade 1. Great song!

    2. I think that this song really represents changes that go on in Middle School- great choice! Middle School can be a hard transition for a lot of people, but this song helps to show the importance of moving forward.

  10. Pink: Missundaztood

    I always related to this song when I was in middle school because I was the student who never fit in, always did things wrong, was weird, and generally "missundaztood". I always knew I was different but wanted to fit in, it wasn't until later that I realized that being different is what made me special. "

    1. :) That is wonderful that you were able to find your very own sense of identity through music, it is very powerful.

    2. I think many middle schoolers feel out of place and misunderstood at this stage, especially by the adults in their lives that are not understanding the changes they are going through. Not only adults, but peers in middle school are not always understanding because they are trying to also figure out who they are.


    My favorite song changed more than I can imagine throughout middle school, but this is a song that I still like today which I first discovered back then. In middle school where everything was dramatic and the end of the world, I'm sure I associated this song with losing friends who I thought I would have forever because it is about losing someone who you loved dearly.

    1. I feel like this song definitely depicts the emotions of young adolescents. Current relationships, and what is occurring outside of school seems like the most important event at the time. This song certainly shows how students in middle school feel like everyone around them will be permanent, and the loss of someone is very difficult.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This may sound odd but I did not grow up listening to music and till this day do not really. However, the song I remember most listening to when I was younger was 3 a.m. by Matchbox 20. It gives a sense of sadness in that the song depicts a loving person going through depression or some sort of chronic issue. May be too personal but it reminded me of my mother quite a bit and may be why it stood out to me.

    1. I also did not grow up listening to music! I do remember this song though, and I also felt a connection the sort of confusion between happiness and unhappiness it depicts.

    I chose the song "Macarena". This song was a one-hit-wonder that had a specific dance to it. It reminds me of middle school not because I listened to it - but because I didn't. I vividly remember walking into a classroom party at the end of 7th grade and everyone was singing and dancing to the song ... which I had never even heard before. I had no idea that everyone else had stopped building tree houses and playing make-believe. I'm glad I didn't.


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