Week #5

Segue from the Early Adolescents' Development Presentations

Advisory:  We'll view this video trailer together. Let's share our insights into the film trailer's plot, character interactions, and embedded media messages about early adolescents.

Writing and Reflection: Each teacher candidate will quietly write in response to a prompt. This writing will serve both as a reflection for the sum total of what you have accommodated about early adolescents' developmental stages as well as for a segue into our next course topics. [Note: This writing is not graded, but it may eventually become part of larger research you will be doing later in the course.]

Reflection #2: Sharing and responses

Introduction to Chapter 2, Stevenson, Shadow Study

Modeling: Eavesdropping and Discourse Analysis
Shadow Study Rubric

What's Due Next Week?

Reflection Three:  Elaborate on one or more of the positive influences outside of school during your young adolescence.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Here is the link to my effective middle level teacher collage.



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